
I invite you to join the Tribe of the Heart, people who remember we are One and stand for Justice.

My Vision

I envision a world of love and justice, where separation gives way to oneness.  I see artists, community builders, healers, prayer warriors, and other change makers forming a new tribe, a Tribe of the Heart.  This Tribe, bound by its fierce commitment to act from ONENESS, leads planet earth from suffering to abundant creation NOW.

My Mission

To nurture and expand the Tribe of the Heart which heals the world, our families, and ourselves.


Are you ready to let compassion fuel your efforts to change society and yourself? Are you ready to love and accept your feelings, your body and your ego? Are you willing to give and receive? Are you willing to do your part to create love and justice now?

I envision a world of love and justice, where separation gives way to oneness.
— Dr. Amanda Kemp, Founder of Tribe of the Heart

You can check out my videos, articles and short tidbits on my Facebook Page.  Or you can join my Community and get free uploads of music, guided meditations and podcasts.

As a performing artist, diversity consultant, writer and entrepreneur, I connect my heart to your heart.  From the heart, anything can be transformed.

Tribe Doings

Artists, community builders, organizers, healers, prayer warriors, educators, and other change makers welcome to your tribe.

I see us gathering on-line and in person. We perform for each other.  We create with each other. We drink in each other's energy, passion and compassion.

I see us listening to our inner selves and each other. I see community organizers and prayer warriors exchanging wisdom.

We play, rest, eat and clean together.

Until the next time.

Do you see yourself in this vision?