“Such a special night.”

"We can't thank you enough for having us at your event.  We feel lucky to have been part of such a special night."

-Amira Abujbara, Haverford College


"The experience was powerful and lovely for me."

-Participant, "Saying the Wrong Thing" Workshop

"I especially liked the tracking and holding techniques and the concept of being open to transformation"


“I have better tools for listening...”

"I have better tools for listening and meeting people where they are."

“My eyes were opened.”

"My eyes were opened. Reminded me that I'm not alone in wanting deeper dialogue...to affect positive change."

“It was wonderful.”

"I take new knowledge on how to proceed with my social justice work and I think it is going to be helpful in terms of my personal growth. It was WONDERFUL. Thank you."

“...sure and spirited leadership.”

"Amanda’s sure and spirited leadership allowed a community to form that encouraged trust, growth and reflection."