Stories and Strategies for Racial Justice and Authentic Community

Part memoir and part social commentary, Dr. Amanda Kemp's short book provides insight and strategies for creating racial justice and a strong sense of shared community. Her voice is vulnerable and personal as she reflects on her own interracial relationship, parenting her Black teenaged son, and making art in the age of Black Lives Matter. Her short essays leave you cheering and hopeful.

I am so grateful for your mindful and soulful presence as you invite people to engage in crucial conversations across the color line.
— Tony Hernandez, Educator

Watch Dr. Amanda Kemp at TEDx

Holding space for transformation gives you a way to have conversations across the color line... it shifts the conversation from being a debate, to being a journey and a discovery of blindspots, assumptions, connections, and compassion.
— Dr. Amanda Kemp / TEDx Wilmington


Dr. Amanda Kemp will take you through a step by step process where you will learn tools to transform rage and sadness to open-hearted energy and loving conversation.

You don't have to do it alone.


SAY THE WRONG THING: Stories and Strategies for Racial Justice and Authentic Community

Part memoir and part social commentary, Dr. Amanda Kemp’s short book provides insight and strategies for creating racial justice and a strong sense of shared community.


Dr. Amanda Kemp's powerful personal story, spoken word poetry, theatre company, and perspectives are popular conversation starters, keynote addresses, workshop topics, and retreat seminars. 

Consider having her speak at your next event.


There is a growing tide of those who believe advocacy is the answer to the barrage of popularized race-related incidents of violence. Some believe a publicized movement of peace and justice will prompt the necessary societal changes. Dr. Amanda Kemp believes that we each hold the power to affect the change the world needs to see. 

“Those who desire to learn finally have a person that can help them see, understand, and know how to respond in their circles and peer groups”

Race-Related Violence

Incidents per year

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